Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Happy Mary MacKillop Feast Day!

"May God bless you all. With all the love in my heart I pray that God may do this." Mary MacKillop.

August 8 marks the feast day of Australia’s First Saint Mary MacKillop.

For more information and prayers on Mary MacKillop’s feast day please refer to the Josephite Website.

If you’re in the city of Melbourne on August 8 then you may like to participate in the services organized by the University of Melbourne Chaplaincy of which they have stated all are invited to attend. The celebrations start at 2pm and end at 3:30pm; they include a walk to Mary’s birthplace and a Mass, they have said you are invited to join in at any stage along the way, for more information please see their website.

Also, the 5:30pm Mass at St Francis Church is a special celebration for Mary MacKillop Family Services.

May you find joy in this day when you reflect on your own encounters with Mary MacKillop.