Friday, 20 July 2007

Meeting 1: Longing.

“May the spirit of unity and love reign amongst us.”
Mary MacKillop

Tonight we welcomed the first members to our group; we ate an absolutely delicious meal thanks to Sharon and Mary, we prayed together and we shared our stories.

We discussed the purpose of our group, which, hopes to provide a means to explore your own spiritual path in life from a particular perspective one that encompasses Mary MacKillop, her life and her sisters today.

Tonight’s meeting started with some fabulous pumpkin and lemon soup followed by a scrumptious stir-fry, and then we had evening prayer based around a book called ‘Seasons of Grace: Praying with Mary MacKillop’ by Genevieve Ryan who is a Josephite.

Tonight’s ‘prayer season’ was the Season of Longing because it describes where we are now, in our lives and tonight, longing for something: for participation in World Youth Day; for a connection with Mary MacKillop; and for a sense of belonging in our own spirituality. Longing for an anticipated event or decision is a fundamental part of our lives. We are now part of a group in part because we are longing to know more about Mary MacKillop.

Don’t forget next month’s meeting is on Friday, August 17 2007, starting at 6.00pm at 36 Essex Street, Footscray where we will watch a movie about Mary's life.
Image: Mary MacKillop World Youth Day Logo+