Friday, 14 March 2008

New statue of Mary MacKillop coming to Adelaide

A new Mary MacKillop statue is currently being brought to life by artist Judith Rolevink, who is passionately dedicating the next five months to the project. The statue can currently be viewed as a model and shows Mary full of life, smiling and walking happily with children.

Judith Rolevink is charged with depicting a 26-year-old Mary holding hands with two children. On competition the life-size statue will be given pride of place in the forecourt of St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral, Adelaide.

Although the statue is currently far from complete, you can view a model of it in this Channel 7 interview. Highlighting once more the abiding connection between the Jesuits and Mary MacKillop is Auxiliary Bishop of Adelaide Greg O’Kelly SJ who is responsible for organising the commissioning and placement of the statute.

This is a beautiful tribute to our wonderful Saint, Mary MacKillop; to hear more about this why not watch the Channel 7 interview below:


Archdiocese of Adelaide

Channel 7 Interview