As part of this global event Mary MacKillop Melbourne is bringing you a reflection on Father Julian Tenison Woods, co-founder of the Josephites and importantly, for Blog Action Day; a naturalist, a past-day ecologist.
In honour of Julian, and the natural world he served we dedicate Mary MacKillop Melbourne’s Blog Action Day to loving and respecting the playground we have been given.
Contemplation with Julian Tenison Woods.
“Every rock, every leaf, every insect has something beautiful, nay wonderful to tell … a perfect fairy-land of beauty will open to the gaze at every step. The flowers will unveil the hidden secrets of beauty: the stones reveal their crystalline structure, and the tiniest insects display wonders of mechanism … All new, all varied, all instructive, and all tending to raise the mind to higher and nobler conceptions of what creation does to declare the glory of its author.”
- Julian Tenison Woods, July 1880.
A time for reflection …
Julian’s awareness of the sacred at the heart of all creation says a great deal to us in our time.
He reminds us that:
* We have a responsibility to cherish the sacredness of all creation

* We do not merely live on Earth as if we had come to it from the outside. We are part of this planet, creations of Earth.
* We need to be nurturers and healers of creation, not destroyers of earth.
* We can find God in every aspect of life and creation
* We all need time and space if we are to find our God in creation
Personal pondering …

* Where, today, was I touched by any aspect of God’s creation?
* What has been the extent of my ‘carbon imprint’ on earth today?
* How, today, have I been a nurturer or healer of creation?
* What is my biggest challenge as I strive to nourish and care for Earth?
Reflection inspired by "Symphony of Life: Julian Tenison Woods," adapted for Mary MacKillop Melbourne by Mary Ryan rsj.
Photograph of Father Julian Tenison Woods.+